Notary Public Feltham

Notary Public Feltham

Notary Public Feltham

Notary Public Feltham

Notary Services for Individuals

Copies of passports for example to open a bank account

Witnessing a power of attorney

Certified copies of documents such as exam certificates

Lost passports, share certificates or other documents

Statutory declarations to be made before a notary public

Declarations of single status when getting married

Administer Oaths

Permission for one parent to travel with children

Apostille and legalisations at consulates

Any other documents for abroad, which require a notary public certificate

I am regulated by The Faculty Office and I a member of The Notaries Society.

Notary Services for Businesses

Assignments or registration of trademarks in international jurisdictions

Apostille and legalisation service

Witnessing a power of attorney

Notarisation of company documents

Affidavits, statutory declarations, and sworn statements

Any other documents for abroad, which require a notary public certificate

Notary Public Feltham

Legalisation and Apostille​

Once Notarially Certified, certain documents may require further certification such as the affixing of an Apostille certificate or on some occasions Consular legislation is required.​


Some documents to be used outside of England may need to be legalised.

Legalisation is an internationally recognised procedure for certifying the authenticity of a Notary’s signature and/or official seal applied to a public document.​

In order for a document to have been legalised, a Notary Public must:​

Attest the signature of a person to a formal document and subscribe his or her name and affix his or her official seal to the document;​

Produce to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office his or her signature and official seal in order to be verified;​

Finally, produce the document to the diplomatic or consular representative in London of the foreign country in which it is intended.

It will usually be stated by the party requiring notarisation if legalisation is needed, but if you are unsure the   Notary will be pleased to advise you.​

Notary Public Feltham

Notary Public Feltham

Terms and Conditions